Notable Contributions 2021

Contributions were made in memory of Tom Basore, Rich Hoster, Lori Killian, Frank Kirchner, Jerry Lashuk, Jack Moran, Hunter Nelms, John Nieves, Bob Peters, Jeffrey Rizzo, Otis Smith, Angelo Speca, Bill Sullivan Sr., and Mary Sutphin.

Donations were also made in honor of the wedding of Barbra Carlisle and Alan Steele in Liverpool, England.

Other special contributions were made in honor of the retirements of long-time neighbors of the Sutphins, Dr. Enzo Cosentino & Dr. Alan Reisinger.

Steve Brown, Alison Hills, and Carrie Sutphin all held Facebook birthday fundraisers, raising over $7,000. Alison won this friendly family competition with dollars raised and age, marking her 50th.

One of Mia’s childhood friends, Lelia Shams, has achieved a very successful career in design. Leila has generously dedicated a percentage of sales from her swimsuit business ( to MSF. Her 2021 donations have made a significant impact on our year.

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